What Is Playing For Doubles?
If you want to learn how to Invest Like a VC in the Stock Market, and find stocks that can double, triple, or more, then Playing for Doubles is for you.
Join me as I search for these stocks, and help you to find your own.
My Stock Performance Scorecard
I buy and share baskets of stocks called Coffee Cans.
The idea of a Coffee Can is simple: You try to find the best stocks you can and let them sit for years. You incur no costs with such a portfolio, and it is simple to manage.
=> Link To My Stock Performance Scorecard
Returns April 2019 - June 24, 2024
Disclaimer: Of course, none of what I share should be considered investment advice.
Who Am I?
I’m Ahmad, and I’m obsessed with the Stock Market.
Until recently, I was a PM at Meta (Instagram). Earlier in my career, I was a VC at Longworth Ventures, a $120+ Million Venture Capital Firm. Prior to that, I was a PM at Microsoft and Groupon.
Having worked in Tech and VC, I believe that the Venture Capital mindset applied to the stock market can be quite lucrative. In fact, I believe that it is one way we can all beat the market.
I’m on a mission to prove it.
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