Let's Have A Stock Picking Contest!
I started a fun stock picking contest with colleagues at work - thought I'd expand the pool if others are interested. We have 80 entries so far ==> Hoping we can get to at least 100 which would be a good size.
One thing I have really started to appreciate is that the longer I own a stock, the less likely I am to lose money, and in fact the better my returns are. So the best of both worlds!
Being willing not to sell for at least 3 years is a great mental hack because it forces one to focus on strong companies with good competitive advantages. To encourage similar thinking, I thought it would be fun to do a stock picking contest where we can all pick 5 stocks and see how they perform over the next 3 years. It will be fun to look back 3 years from now, especially considering the uncertainty in the world today, and see what happened, and what we learn from the experience.
How This Will Work:
Pick 5 stocks
Fill Out This Google Form ==> https://forms.gle/eGrXkGUtmTjWTYJL7
One Rule: You cannot pick FB stock since I work there.
Please pick stocks you'd actually buy...as opposed to YOLO stocks! The whole point is to learn from the process of picking stocks.
Starting price = Stock Opening Price on Monday May 4, 2020.
I will create a Google Sheet to track everyone's picks and share a performance update via email (probably monthly or quarterly). ==> Update: Stock Selections
Winner will be the portfolio with the best total return based on closing stock prices on May 3, 2023.
Why Participate?
This should be fun! I'm excited! I wonder what the most common stock pick will be...
$50 Gift Card! I will give the winner a $50 Amazon Gift Card. If there is a tie, the gift card will go to the person who submitted their stocks first.
Learn Baby Learn! I bet you will learn how stock prices move in relation to things like company earnings, fundamentals, news, market narratives etc.
It's Free! So why not? If you're interested in stocks (why else would you have subscribed to this newsletter?), pick some and see whether you're any good at it.
Bragging Rights! Enough said :)
The More The Merrier
Please share with your friends so more folks can participate and learn about picking stocks!
No you don't need to actually buy any stocks. However, I would encourage you to do so (even with small/nominal amounts), because you will likely learn more with real money invested.
Let me know if you have any questions.